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A Virtual Tour of St. Thomas More Church

St Thomas More Church was opened on the Queens Campus on September 27, 2004. The background of its planning and construction can be found at the University web site - here.

Those who attended the Brooklyn Center of the University, at Schermerhorn Street, will very well recall the small, but charming, and much used St. Vincent de Paul Chapel.  Many, regardless of how busy we were, found the time to attend services or to briefly meditate there.

In memory of their Chapel, the Schermerhorn Alumni commissioned the creation of a virtual tour of the St. Thomas Moore Church.

Both the large foyer and the church proper are "in the round".  The foyer is relatively large, and the walls are covered by a series of mosaic murals that depict scenes of Church, Vincentian and University history.

In creating a 360 degree depiction of the foyer, we also "unwrapped" the circular room so that the it can be observed in one view.  That is the photo below.  Click on it, and you will be brought to the dynamic virtual view. When you get to that view, keep in mind that there are controls in the lower left hand corner that permit you to go to full screen view, to zoom in and out, and to have the display automatically scroll around the entire room.

Similarly, if you click on the second photo below, that depicts the interior of the Church, you will be brought to a dynamic virtual view of that scene, and the same controls will be available to you.

Many thanks to A.Boitel for the contribution of his time, effort and expertise in creating this virtual tour.

Above is the foyer of St. Thomas More Church, "unwrapped".  In the center we see the flowing baptismal font. Use the lower scroll bar to see the scene from left to right and back again. Click on the photo to go to a virtual presentation of the foyer "in the round".

Above is the Church proper.  Click on the photo to go to a virtual presentation of the Church "in the round". The foyer, depicted in the other photo, is directly behind the point from which the above scene is viewed.