Like Uranus, it's sometimes called an ice giant because it's so cold. Moby blinks, looks at Tim, and then looks at the night sky. Explain how each is connected to the Solar System topic. TIM: But there are tons of other objects that keep popping up in the far regions of the solar system! TIM: Saturn is another gas giant, with more than 45 moons orbiting it. That's why the inner planets formed mostly out of rocky material. Stop at the following times in the movie and ask questions or prompt a discussion to keep students focused and to assess their understanding before moving on: Timecode 1:12: Why did Earth become an inner planet? A diagram shows the terminal shock as an orange circle with the sun and the planets of the solar system, including Earth, in the center of it. ","alignment_guid":"95D6F986-2F4E-11E9-AECB-D0A0D9F723EE","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/challenge\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/challenge_svg_icon.svg"},{"feature_id":"294","type":"concept_map","name":"Make-a-Map","alignments_description":"A concept mapping tool. The one on the left shows the Voyager 1 spacecraft and the one on the right shows the Voyager 2 spacecraft. TIM: Its been really hard to keep track of these guys, since the signals they emit are so weak and so far away now! It started out around four and a half billion years agoBack then, our solar system was just a cloud of gas and dust, probably left over from the explosion of a star. Two objects, labeled Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, marked by Upper Xs, move away from the Earth with their paths shown as dotted curves. ","alignment_guid":"9790C0FE-2F4E-11E9-9CAD-EBD25B5E995C","url":"\/make-a-movie\/?topic=294","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":""},{"type":"coding","feature_id":"40545","name":"Creative Coding","feature_name":"Creative coding","alignments_description":"Coding projects offered in both text- and block-based coding languages. Text reads: Oort cloud. TIM: It also has at least three moons: Charon, Hydra, and Nix! TIM: The moon is the sixth planet in the sky, next to the sun between Mars and the Earth. An inset shows a closer look at the ice and rocks that make up the rings. 1999-2023 BrainPOP. An animation keeps extending the arrow from Neptune until no planets are visible. It is depicted as a blue-green sphere with a small white vertical ring. "}}},{"type":"related_reading","feature_id":"11211","name":"Related Reading","feature_name":"Related Reading","alignments_description":"High-interest, informational texts that extend understanding of a topic. That means they travel around it in an orbit. Solar System/Transcript < Solar System View source Transcript Old Version Text reads: The Mysteries of Life with Tim and Moby An animation shows Tim peering into a telescope pointed at the night sky. TIM: Well, the sun is at the center of our solar system. In the animation, the view of the asteroids moves out of view and is replaced by a drawing of Pluto. Text at the top right reads: dwarf planet. Text reads: The Mysteries of Life with Tim and Moby. An animation shows a large grey cloud in a starry sky. One planet is dark purple with a white ring around its center, and the other is small and brown. (, Look at the four related movies at the bottom of the page. ","alignment_guid":"966F38D6-2F4E-11E9-9BB5-F28EFCE54722","url":"\/make-a-map\/?topic=\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":""},{"feature_id":"294","type":"make_a_movie","name":"Make-a-Movie","alignments_description":"A movie-making tool to produce BrainPOP-style movies. The animation zooms in to Venus' surface. TIM: Over millions of years, gravity drew a lot of this stuff together, into clumps. "},"newscast":{"type":"newscast","instructions":"Create a newscast about the solar system. Contact your administrator for guidance on teaching this topic. If you An interactive tutorial for finding and using Challenge 1999-2023 BrainPOP. An animation shows an icy comet speeding toward the sun. TIM: Farther out from the Kuiper belt is an area called the scattered disc. The text trans-Neptunian objects is still written above the arrow. "},"game":{"type":"game","instructions":"Code a sorting game to show what you know about the solar system. Tim addresses Moby. Use strategy to up your points! TIM: The four inner planets are rocky, relatively warm, and have craters. What do you think youll learn about the solar system in this movie? TIM: Well well, how do you know? It's way bigger than our entire planet, and it's been raging for centuries. While scanning the night sky with a pair of binoculars, Tim is interrupted by Moby, giving him a letter asking if there is a 'Planet X'. An animation shows Tim peering into a telescope pointed at the night sky. An animation shows Jupiter rotating in space and the sun in the background. An animation shows the planets and their orbits in the solar system, moving away from the sun. Our solar system is also home to asteroids, comets, dwarf planets such as Pluto, and the distant objects of the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. The camera zooms in on Tim and Moby. It is depicted as covered by clouds. TIM: Well, not really. It's tilted so that it looks like its lying on its side! ","alignment_guid":"99F75D12-2F4E-11E9-AE20-981D691FC427","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"Yes","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/relatedreading\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/relatedreading_svg_icon.svg"},{"type":"transcript","feature_id":"31228","name":"Movie Transcript","feature_name":"Transcript","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":null,"requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/transcript\/","icon":""},{"type":"worksheet","feature_id":"42914","name":"Worksheet","feature_name":"Worksheet","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"D7BF1DA0-0887-11EC-81F9-E3183E819706","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/worksheet\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/worksheet_svg_icon.svg"},{"type":"graphic_organizer","feature_id":"42913","name":"Graphic Organizer","feature_name":"Graphic Organizer","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"D726E616-0887-11EC-B42E-954675B64796","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/graphicorganizer\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/graphicorganizer_svg_icon.svg"},{"type":"vocabulary","feature_id":"42915","name":"Vocabulary","feature_name":"Vocabulary","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"D85691C6-0887-11EC-819B-E899BAC46B2A","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"Yes","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/vocabulary\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/vocabulary_svg_icon.svg"},{"EntryID":"714","game":"true","name":"Meaning of Beep","game_name":"The Meaning of Beep: Mars","alignment_guid":"7B5AA63E-2F4E-11E9-BD13-B45103365D45","alignments_description":null,"url":"\/games\/mobmars\/","type":"meaningofbeep","icon":"\/assets\/images\/meaningofbeep_svg_icon.svg","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"Yes"},{"EntryID":"568","game":"true","name":"Time Zone X","game_name":"Time Zone X: Solar System","alignments_description":null,"alignment_guid":"9B2B83DE-2F4E-11E9-B951-FB17784B80DE","url":"\/games\/timezonexsolarsystem\/","type":"timezonex","icon":"\/assets\/images\/timezonex_svg_icon.svg","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"Yes"},{"EntryID":"802","game":"true","name":"GameUp","url":"\/games\/game-finder\/?game_keyword=topic: Solar System&topic_id=560a9bcc6cdb2ffc","type":"generic_game","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"","icon":"\/assets\/images\/gameup_svg_icon.svg","count":17}],"feature_promo":{"featured_1":{"fallback":{"title":"Make-a-Map","type":"make_a_map","url":"\/make-a-map\/?topic=\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/","image":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/275716.png"}},"featured_2":{"fallback":{"title":"Make-a-Map","type":"make_a_map","url":"\/make-a-map\/?topic=\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/","image":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/275716.png"}}},"themes":[],"alignment_guid":"953974E0-2F4E-11E9-AE07-981C785BA928"}. As it approaches, its tail grows longer. The animation shows Moby take a cloth and clean the lens on Tim's telescope. TIM: Ooh, I think I see Neptune! TIM: On its surface, there's a permanent storm, called the Great Red Spot. (, How does its distance from the Sun affect each planet in the Solar System? TIM: The Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud are areas in the far regions of the solar system where small bodies like comets are thought to originate. An animation shows Moby looking at Tim. The Oort Cloud is even further from the sun. Standard and Scientific Notation/Transcript. There are four rocky, inner planets\u2014Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars\u2014and four gas giants farther out\u2014Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The image of the sun, the planets, the Kuiper belt, and the scattered disc is shown again. TIM: Although it's cold and dry now, scientists think Mars was once much more like Earth. The ring is labeled Kuiper belt.. Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos. TIM: For a while, Pluto was thought to be the missing planet. Another animation shows floating objects coming together and forming the planet Jupiter. But for us, it's the most important one around. (, : What can you infer about the temperature on Mars compared to Earth? The eight planets in our solar system are satellites of the sun. It likely had oceans and rivers, and its atmosphere contained more heat-trapping gases. TIM: Comets are totally different than asteroids. A cross-section of the planet shows that its core is much larger than Earth. Then show the movie once through without pausing. In the animation, Venus moves out of view and is replaced by a drawing of Earth. TIM: Right, the solar system isnt just planets and the sunthere are lots of smaller bodies floating out there, too. In the animation, Mars moves out of view. in: BrainPOP Transcripts Outer Solar System/Transcript < Outer Solar System View source Transcript An image shows a night sky and stars through a pair of binoculars. TIM: Uranus is a gassy planet with small gray rings and more than 25 moons. BrainPOP recommends reading the movie description that appears on the Solar System Topic Page to your class. It forms a distant ring around the solar system. Tim is looking at the night sky through a telescope. The first is labeled Orcus, the second is labeled Quaoar, and the third, the smallest one, is labeled Varuna.. When they get close to the sun, some of their ice forms long, wispy tails that you can sometimes see from Earth! An animation shows a cloud of dust and debris circling the sun. TIM: Pressure caused by gravity ignited nuclear reactions at this biggest clump's core, setting it on fire. The added planet has a question mark placed in the middle of it. Atoms began fusing together in a nuclear reaction that continues to this day. An animation shows Earth rotating while the moon orbits around it. It's nearly three times the height of Mount Everest. Tim and Moby discuss the pros and cons. TIM: Most of them are concentrated in the Asteroid Belt, between Mars and Jupiter. TIM: The four inner planets are much smaller than the four outer ones. Standing next to him is Moby. Birds fly in the sky. "},"story":{"type":"story","instructions":"Code a conversation to show what you know about the solar system. One shows moons circling Neptune. A robot, Moby, wipes the end of the telescope with a dust cloth. Pluto's orbit intersects with Neptune's. The other shows white, gray, and black areas on the blue surface. TIM: So the search for Planet X was kind of pointless An animation shows the camera panning across stars in the night sky. A close-up of Mercury shows the gray planet covered in craters. "}},"relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/creativecoding\/","small_screen_compatible":"","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}},{"EntryID":"3060","name":"Word Play","display_name":"Word Play","folder_name_on_disk":"","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/word_play_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/word_play_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/wordplay\/background.svg","header":"\/feature_settings\/hdr_wordPlay.js","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/wordplay\/","type":"word_play","data":"","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/wordplay\/","small_screen_compatible":"yes","requires_flash":"","description":{"text":"Play with words! Asteroids are pieces of rock centimeters to hundreds of kilometers wide that wander the solar system. (, : Why did Earth become an inner planet? Some astronomers think a huge collision in its early days might have done that. "},"game":{"type":"game","instructions":"Code a sorting game to show what you know about the solar system. They formed the gas giants, like Jupiter. Gravity drew this stuff together into clumps, eventually forming the sun and the surrounding planets. It was named after the Roman god of the sea, probably because its so blue. TIM: By the way, Pluto isnt the only dwarf planet. You probably know Saturn by its amazing set of rings. BrainPOP Transcripts Category page View source List of BrainPOP transcripts. When it gets close to the sun, the dust and ice form long, wispy tails that you can sometimes see from Earth. All items (989) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other 3 3D Printing/Transcript 6 60s Folk/Transcript A A Wrinkle in Time/Transcript AAPI Heritage Month/Transcript Abraham Lincoln/Transcript Absolute Value/Transcript Acceleration/Transcript An animation shows the sun, then pulls back to show the eight planets orbiting around it. An animation shows a spacecraft moving away from the camera into outer space until it eventually disappears. "},"story":{"type":"story","instructions":"Code a conversation to show what you know about the solar system. The image of the sun, the planets, and the Kuiper belt is shown. An animation shows Mars, with two gray moons orbiting the planet. The animation zooms out to show a large proportion of the rocks form a circle around the sun and lie between Mars and Jupiter. TIM: It's huge, with a mass 318 times that of Earth! TIM: Pluto has an odd elliptical orbit that sometimes brings it closer to the sun than Neptune. TIM: But, you know, there probably wont be any more planets found. Tim goes on to explain about space beyond Neptune, as well as some space probes and planets. An animation shows the planets of the solar system. TIM: Dear Tim and Moby, can you tell me all about the solar system? It is depicted with several large concentric rings. Tim is holding a star chart. An animation shows Venus, with gassy yellow and orange swirls covering its surface. Most of them are concentrated in the Asteroid Belt, between Mars and Jupiter. But wait, there's more! TIM: Dwarf planets are kind of like regular planets, but generally smaller. In the animation, Mercury moves off and is replaced by a view of Venus. An animation shows the spacecraft moving away from the camera into outer space until it eventually disappears. Text reads: The Mysteries of Life with Tim and Moby. TIM: Well, the solar system is our home in the galaxy. All of the parts of the diagram are labeled and a horizontal red arrow labeled gravity goes through the image and points from the Oort cloud to the sun. "},"comic":{"type":"comic","instructions":"Create a comic about the solar system. An animation shows the sun and the planets of the solar system, then zooms out to show a ring around the planets composed of small objects. TIM: The four outer planets are really far from the sun, so they're much colder. 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Fortigate Sendto Failed, Iredell County Youth Football League, Sofiane Zermani Et Sa Femme, Bad Things About Living In Uruguay, Articles B