Many years ago, people would perform divination by the shape of the smoke when burning incense. This means nothing else will be set on top of it. Once their debts have been paid your ancestors will start to help you more with the things you need in the form of sending you blessings. First of all, it is soooo important when doing this work that you connect to yourself and your guides. 304 London NY 10016 I love this! When you decide to build an altar, make sure you are using a heavy and solid foundation. But maybe in your living, dining room or kitchen. Ideally, you would research your tradition and how ancestors are honored in your religious practices. Id love to read more on the types of food. 2. Was there a follow up article with the answers to the questions in the comments? a few people works very well. Do you think its ok to have it covered on the altar? If you offer an ancestor their favorite food, what do you do with the food afterwards? Because I havent decided on a space yet, I havent really figured out exactly how I want to lay it out. I promise that with a little time and thought, youll figure out exactly whats right for you. The bit about not keeping altars in rooms was especially helpful, eye-opening, and affirming lol! This will be your ancestor altar or shrine. The photos of those who have passed away are carefully placed in the center back of the altar. Use your knowledge, your experiences, and your guides. By setting up an ancestor shrine or altar, you can honor the people of your bloodline-your kinfolk and clansmen who have helped to shape . If youre beginning to develop a relationship with your ancestors, setting up an ancestor altar is essential. I feel so relived to know that I was hearing them after reading this. Perhaps you use it to give offerings to your deities, ancestors, or loved ones. I have a much better idea of how to set up my ancestor altar. We should focus on it and communicate with our ancestors minds. A clean cloth provides a space dedicated to the sacrifice, Keep the table (if you are setting up on it) level. It would be better to have a room dedicated to the ancestors altar. Keep in mind that what you place is something that can be associated with the ancestor. An amazing article Miss Michaele! This helps make the most of the food to make your rituals go more smoothly.Last but not least, all the food must also be placed in a container. Griftah's All-Purpose Embellishing Powder. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. Many people will come to understand through sitting at their altar and offering gifts and keepsakes that they have been held by the guidance of someone that is actually an ancestor and perhaps they never realised they had an ancestor not incarnate with them in this life as a guide. Dont forget invite your ancestors to this space! An important step in your ancestral work journey is dedicating a small space to your ancestors. Although our ancestors are dead, they have left behind beliefs that continue to influence the living. Set Up an Ancestor Shrine - Ancestor Altar. Can I put it into my office? I leave offerings of flowers, incense, or moon water. You leave your offerings on your Altar. Hoodoo Foundry for helping me with Do you work with your ancestors? Keep the altar tidy for the next festival worship. Get a few personal possessions if you can. Every psychic/medium ive seen over the years tells me that i have the gift, but i need to channel my strength. First, it provides a degree of protection upon your house and everyone who lives in it, because now your home is also your ancestors' home. The process is more or less the same for either one, though. 3. Should I keep them on my altar or put them somewhere else? Reassemble your altar on top of this with a glass of fresh, clean water. How do you know if your ancestor altar work is working? In my weekend ancestor trainings, I've often joked that if you don't have an ancestor altar, you become the altar. Ive communicated with her, but done little more with ancestor work back then. Neither of the plants were anywhere near at the time, of course . Through them, we can understand the past, heal from generational trauma, and recognize our own mortality. Luckily, there are other records you can find! Use your altar as a physical, tangible place where you speak to your ancestors. Exactly what you do and how or how often you do it will depend on your tradition. Some elements that are generally a good idea to have on this altar are: Your email address will not be published. My grandma actually made separate scrapbooks details the lives of her parents, grandparents, and other old relatives from before my time. MAKING AN ALTAR:Your altar should be on a table, ideally, but you can put it on the floor as well. Traditionally, what are some ways your culture venerates those who have gone before us? Our ancestors are powerful spirit allies. Pick four stones or crystals for the four corners (the corners of the world). Show respect as you approach the altar and prepare to communicate with your ancestors. You need to handle the food. They will reveal themselves in your thoughts and dreams. One of the things I love most about offerings flowers is that they grew in my garden. I have a relative that passed in the summer of 2022. You are there to listen, ask questions, strengthen your will and get to know . You can set up photos and other items to represent your ancestors on your altar to invite them into your magickal workings and spell craft. Keep in mind you can make this as elaborate or understated as you like or need given your current situation. Thank you . If so, may I place my ancestor photos on the altar with Oshun? Inviting them aloud is most effective but if you need or choose to do it silently, it will still work. But also speak with them just to honor them, to get to know them, and to be inspired by them. Some things cannot be explained too much to the uninitiated. Because I put food on the table on a daily basis, I put the food that I typically eat - along with things they might eat like white bread and bacon. Definitely something nicer than a pill bottle or zip lock bag! Makes your melee attacks have a chance to deal extra Physical damage. You need to provide the earth element for your altar. Now, in the real world, you can research your ancestors just talk to your parents about straight-up genealogy. If your ancestral line is active at night, they might keep you up. Place the tablecloth on the altar and sprinkle it with a few drops of Ylang Ylang. Before you make an altar, figure out why you want to connect with your ancestors. One lasting question. Clean up the altar. Likewise, when communicating with your ancestors, remain reverent. Place the offerings on the table, also running the plates and glasses through the incense smoke. These beliefs continue to encourage the living and meditatively change our fortunes, families, marriages, jobs, and more. Its a relatively new development. You don't need a ritual for removing the food, y'all. Work With Your Altar. After you have your dirt, and attractive container, and your statue, leave offerings just as you would for an ancestor known to you, as described above. The space can be a particular building, a special room, a special table, or, in the simplest way, a clean cloth to provide this space. I dont have any elders (that I know of) who can walk me through connecting with them so Ive been relying on intuition, which although has been great, its not always as clear and direct as the word of an elder or a super clear article like this one. Take a few deep breaths, center yourself and then invite your well ancestors to join you at the altar. If you have questions about a specific aspect of your life, from love to starting a project, ask your ancestors. Some are extremely elaborate with photographs of multiple people, items that correspond to each person, and offerings to those people. My reasoning is those are their grandparents and if they were alive they would be over joyed in seeing what their babies did. Provide Offerings. Your Ancestral Altar is also a place to meditate, communicate with your lineage, learn and receive clarity. Thank you! I want to address a few of the questions left in the comments. I would love to learn more about hoodoo amd ancrstor altar and just all which would help me please. This post is designed to be a quick, multi-tiered guide on the offerings you can provide on an ancestor shrine or altar. But if you have limited space in your home, you can set it up on a relatively quiet and wide enough platformfor example, a dresser, a solid heavy table, or above the fireplace. Check the edges of the concrete. I smell a strong cigar scent very, very frequently, sometimes so strong, that i have difficulty breathing. Some altars are permanent places of honor and others are temporary only making their appearance for special times of honor. Click the link above to read our full policy. Plates, bowls, and cups for offerings and libations. The respect and belief in an afterlife as well as honoring ancestors can be traced back to paleolithic mankind. As you cleanse, visualize white light from above illuminating the altar surface and each item. Ancestor Altar: An easy way to begin this work is to set up an ancestor altar. Rising smoke forming two columns means loss of sanity. This may be a crazy question. And the stone comes from the earth, which represents the quality of perseverance and persistence, and endurance. Garrido: First and foremost, ancestor veneration begins inside us, not [only] on an altar. Ask about Bible verses, too. It is believed that honoring our ancestors was the first religious and spiritual form of ritual work. He was a very angry person, an alcoholic, and believed that the entire world revolved around . But I know shes by my side now and am grateful for her guidance with gardening! The month of February, we will focus on defying and redefining love. graves are far awaywould anyone have This is a great set of questions to consider if youre wondering why ancestor work is valuable for your practice. Then spoon a small quantity of dirt into the pill bottle. 1. You can also use your own carefully selected pebbles or crystals. Speak to them when you need guidance. In this video I share 5 signs t. If so, this video will. I feel a connection to her as I have dreamt of talking to her, but I have no idea how to go about it when it comes to an altar. Kongo Sun Wheel. There are literally thousands of active threads on every conceivable kind of hoodoo rootwork, including working with ancestors. Simply begin acknowledging your ancestors, learn their names, [and] say them out loud. Thank you for offering clear, concise and succinct advice to help people set up a area in their home that is likely to quite quickly become of great significance and importance to them in ways they had not ever imagined or envisioned. My apologies for not clarifying any further. Its so incredibly timely. If so, this video will explain to you some common things that happen once you've established a consistent altar practice.FREE Spiritual Growth Course Linkage Manual: How to Find Your Gods \u0026 Goddesses Using Numerology (Paperback \u0026 Kindle available on Amazon) http://salimyers.comOnline Store http://EL9SHOP.COMWORK WITH ME:Spiritual Mastery Accelerator Program Its really awesome that you put this together so finally people have a solid go to article for how to put together an altar. The bowls and plates at my ancestor altar are all from my grandma actually! Sit quietly and be in the energy of Spirit and your ancestors. One likes his area of the altar particularly clean; another likes offerings of soft, sweet cake; others like shiny things on their altars. Connecting with our ancestors can literally change, protect, and better our lives on a substantial . Neither you or the spirits are doing each other favors.You are actually going into a mutually profitable business . My phone number is 707-714-7091. Likewise, the relics of your ancestors life will help you build your altar. In Hoodoo, the ancestors exist in a plane beyond our own but are very capable of touching our lives on a regular basis. While they enjoy having altars and offerings, working with your ancestors as a spiritual practice is its own, unique path. You can email me at So it doesnt matter what it looks like. It is usually built in a higher place, such as a table or a fireplace. This post is designed to be a quick, multi-tiered guide on the . It is a great way to connect with your ancestors as well as yourself. All rights reserved. The ones Ive adopted are mostly on my working altars, and frequently direct my work. Food should not be consumed again because the ancestors have already enjoyed them. Altar. Remember always to respect our ancestors so they can guide us to a happy future. The first step is of course to cleanse the space. A tip is that you can serve seasonal fruits to your ancestors, making the atmosphere more pleasant. Can I set my items on plate on the floor, I purchased just for them? Its in my bedroom now because I was lead to set it up there. What really matters is the energy and intention that goes into making it. I've seen that done many times before, even though that is not the way I was taught, it makes sense. I posted steps on setting up a simple ancestor altar in this post, but to get started, all you need is a small table, ideally covered with a white table cloth. A shrine is another name for an ancestor altar. Lady J, start with a white candle and a glass of water and an empty photo frame. Burning ancestral money also helps dissolve financial debt that they . You can use it to represent your family tree on an Altar. Tell them about your troubles and anxieties without hesitation or reservation. One way of doing this is by looking through old family scrapbooks. 6. My father has African American and Cherokee Native American roots and my mother is full Sicilian. If you put jewelry on the altar, you should avoid wearing it unless absolutely necessary for a ritual of some sort. I would enjoy a post about more ways to utilize an ancestor altar. Building out an altar is a strong method to connect with them. Personally, I feel a deep connection to my grandmother who passed away years ago. Speak out loud or in your mind, it doesnt matter. Some offering ideas include flowers, fresh water, a candle, wine, coffee, food, etc. This will attract them to come and connect with you and allow you to communicate with your ancestors in a fulfilling environment. Working with the Ancestors. Just throw it away, either before you go to bed orthe next morning. Would you suggest what do to given that I keep it in my room? I have 4 roommates so my bedroom is the only personal place where I can keep it. TW: Domestic Abuse. Honestly, your ancestors will truly appreciate that there is a space for them in your home. An Ancestor Altar is a sacred space that can be dedicated to specific energies/realities for rituals, spiritual expressions, evolution, prayer, divination, etc. Creating an ancestor altar that you regularly work with is a powerful ritual that powers spirit work. Even the ancestors you may not know of, or somehow feel but can't place, are still connected to you and will come when called. I hope this is acceptable. And creating an ancestor altar is a great first step in connecting with your ancestral guides. I say this because I dont think you really want your ancestors in there all the time. For example, if it is a fruit with skin, you need to peel off the skin. Just throw it away. Before picking any side, you need to investigate and find the true identity of the creature. Thanks so much again I am so happy I stumbled across this blog youve got a permanent subscriber in me :) <3. Your ancestors are then able to get things they need in the spirit world. They need a separate room to be in, so you can have some uninterrupted peace. Which is to say that when you are able to connect with your ancestors, they have very good reasons to meet you halfway. Take a toothpick and think about your ancestors and what you want to clean or heal, then with your breath blow on the toothpick all that information, three times, hand it over there. For some people, that can be as often as everyday or every week. Things that instantly bring to mind people and places. Dont forget to cleanse your ancestor altar every once in awhile. In Southern African indigenous spirituality it is believed that humans are on a journey the objective of which is union with God. This is the first altar that I would encourage people new to ritual to begin to work with because its just so incredibly vast and integral to the person you are yet in being as such also often taken for granted to the degree that ones Ancestors are not in the picture at all for many who may even have very active spiritual lives and elaborate practice/rituals. As to your ancestors spiritual practices, dont frighten your parents by asking about hoodoo or any kind of magic. Water is cold and wet, and it breeds humility and calmness. So, now that you know what an ancestor altar is and why you need one, how exactly do you create one? You can energetically clean the table, cloth, and area if you'd like with your preferred medium. Thanks! Finally, remember that you should be conscious of each time you walk past the altar. Clean up any burned-out candles and incense. Offerings include: a fresh cup of water, flowers, incense, candle flame, drinks like wine and coffee, fruit, and food in general. It was a difficult hurdle for me. Petrified Wood is the remains of ancient trees which have been fossilised and mineralised over time turning them into crystal. How long do I wait before I place the photo of a relative who just past on my alter on May 30, 2020. Its been kind of tough to put it all together of what they would like but its getting easier the more and more I work with my altar. I have a question, though. When you're doing this type of work, your intention is everything. Ancestor Altars. If that's you, go ahead and skip this section knowing you still have so many ways to connect to your ancestral lines. It is a space to honor and pay respect to those who made it possible for you to be alive. Ancestor worship reflects universal ancestor worship, or respect for ancestors, which is an ancient custom. No matter what method or reason you use for ancestor veneration, the altar is the place where many people do this work. I dont have another room to place one. Go over the lyrics of the song and see if they are a message from her either a request for the design of your altar, or a recommendation for your life. I owe quite a lot to Miss Michaele and Or do I have to get rid of it? Because a messy and dirty place is a disrespect to your ancestors. We all come from somewhere. If you wish to connect with your birth family in the real world, look into DNA testing such as offered by 23andme and Samhain is about honoring the dead. Go to the grave, bringing with you a small container such as a pill bottle, a spoon or trowel, a few coins and (if your ancestor has no history of alcoholism), a small bottle of whiskey. And about decorating the altar I would try different things and listen with your heart for your familys opinion and suggestions. 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