Brooklyn Center Alumni - St. John's University
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The Web Site Of the Brooklyn Center Alumni Of

St. John's University

The SJU-Alumni (Brooklyn) Website Is In The Process of Expanding
Enjoy What Is Here And Return On Tuesday April 5 Friday, April 8
To See Our Upgrade With Special Memorabelia.


 A Virtual Tour of St. Thomas More Church


Video of October 25, 2009 Brooklyn Center Reunion


To the alumni-sponsored website of graduates of the Brooklyn Center of

St. John’s University of New York.


The foundation upon which the present St. John’s University stands is one that was solidly built by the Brooklyn schools of the University: 

  • St. John's College [1870-1955] [Lewis Avenue]
  • College of Arts and Sciences, Borough Hall Division (1929-42)
  • University College (1942-71) Name changed from Borough Hall in 1942
  • School of Accounting, Commerce and Finance (1927-33)
  • School of Commerce (1934-60) (Former School of Accounting)
  • College of Business (1960-71) (Former School of Commerce)
  • College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professionals (1929-1958

  • School of Law (1925-72) [Court Street 1925-29]
  • School of Education (1958-71)
  • School of Nursing Education (1942-58)
  • Junior College (1962-68) [now College of Professional Studies]
  • School of General Studies (1968-71) [now College of Professional Studies] 

The Brooklyn "campuses" of the University were closed over the course  of the 1950s and 1960s, as the Queens campus steadily grew into a magnificent centerpiece .  Over the ensuing years, branches of the University were opened in Staten Island, Oakdale-Suffolk County, and Rome, Italy.

We, Alumni of the Brooklyn Center, have independently established this website to celebrate and renew memories, share stories and  declare the bond we share with each other and with the many thousands of Brooklyn Center graduates, who have passed on, and with all of the students, alumni, faculty and administration of the great institution which is St. John’s University.

Three  Cheers For St. John’s University –
Past, Present and Future!!!

Set A Bookmark

While you are here, set a bookmark for this home page, so that it will be easy for you to return. There will be weekly additions to the site.

Help With Documents, Photos, Memorabilia and Recollections


If you have a photo or other document you would like to share through this site, please contact us . We will arrange to scan it and return it to you in its original condition. If we use it on the site, you will be credited as the source, or, if you wish, you can remain anonymous.

We will also be establishing:

A facility by which individual alumni can re-establish contact with other alumni.

A moderated blog to which Brooklyn alumni can post recollections and comments.

A service for those who would like quality copies of photos and other memorabilia that have been posted to the site or that we otherwise have available.

To contact us, simply send us an email:  Your contact information will not be used for any purpose other than to keep you advised of additions to the website or to discuss with you memorabilia you may have available to post on the website. (That is our straight-forward privacy policy).

         Do You Want A Photo?

If you would like a high res copy of any of the photos on this site, just send us a note, specifying the photo - Click here.



Site Map

Top of this Home Page

 A Virtual Tour of St. Thomas More Church

Video of October 25, 2009 Brooklyn Center Reunion


Panorama Photos of the October 25, 2009 Luncheon

Moving Panorama of the October 24, 2009 Luncheon - Room 1

Candid Photos of the October 25, 2009 Luncheon

       Photo Group 1
       Photo Group 2
       Photo Group 3 

The Program and Menu of the February 9, 1899  Brooklyn Alumni Dinner

St. John’s University Facts and History

University Links (These links will brings you away from this site)